As we all know, DVD Bracket is more and more widely used by us in our daily life because of its convenience. So, everyone wants to know the way to install the DVD Bracket after he received it. But the installing steps are not easy to understand. In order to let you know the way clearly, the article below is teach you how to install the DVD Bracket.
When you receive the DVD Bracket, you will also receive the DVD Bracket Installation Instructions(to be with the TV rack installation). The process can be divided into almost 2 steps. First of all, you should remove the DVD Bracket arm and TV rack arm, according to the DVD behind the size and the position of the screw holes in the bracket arm. Select the appropriate machine hanger arm mounting holes, and then use the arm for the bolts installed in the back of the TV. Second, hang the DVD Bracket under the televisions and tighten the screws with their lock on the TV stand.
There are also some notes you should notice before you install the DVD Bracket. This DVD Bracket support two types of installation, the one is installed at the bottom of TV, and another is install the TV above. Each way of installation has its advantages and disadvantages. It depends on everyone's personal preference. The other tip you should notice is that this DVD bracket can be used for a variety of models of television sets with rack, and the kind of installation is similar.